Sabtu, 08 November 2014

Beginilah Penguasa Sewenang-wenang

Ini contoh kesewenang-wenangan Kejaksaan Agung
Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara (PTUN) Jakarta, Senin (22/8/2011), menyatakan tidak dapat menerima gugatan Yusril Ihza Mahendra terhadap putusan cekal Jaksa Agung tanggal 24 Juni 2011.
Alasan penolakan keputusan yang digugat Yusril tersebut sudah dicabut oleh Jaksa Agung tanggal 27 Juni 2011 sehingga Yusril dianggap tidak mempunyai kepentingan lagi untuk menggugat keputusan tersebut.
Majelis hakim yang dipimpin oleh Jodi Martono Wahyunadi dalam pertimbangan hukumnya mengatakan bahwa ada dua mekanisme kontrol terhadap putusan pejabat tata usaha negara.
Pertama, mekanisme kontrol internal dari dalam lembaga tata usaha negara itu sendiri. Kedua, kontrol eksternal dari luar, yakni melalui PTUN.
Karena dari internal Kejagung sudah menyadari ada kesalahan dan mereka telah mencabut obyek sengketa, maka kontrol eksternal tidak diperlukan lagi. Dengan demikian, gugatan tidak dapat diterima.
Menyikapi putusan itu, seusai pembacaan putusan, Yusril segera mendaftarkan gugatan baru.
"Gugatan ini saya lakukan terhadap Keputusan Jaksa Agung No 201/D/Dsp.3/06/2011 tanggal 27 Juni 2011 yang mencabut keputusan cekal terdahulu, yakni No 195/D/Dsp.3/06/2011 tanggal 24 Juni 2011. Kalau tiap keputusan yang digugat dapat dicabut seenaknya saja oleh pejabat tata usaha negara dan diterbitkan lagi yang baru, maka selamanya rakyat takkan pernah menang melawan penguasa," kata Yusril.
copas dari :
tanggal : Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Minggu, 02 November 2014

Intangible Property

 Menyambut Musim Tanam :
  • Have you carefully selected a territory that is fertile for growth and right for your type of crop?
  • Do you understand the dynamics of your ecosystem?
  • Have you done everything in your power to properly nurture the soil and enhance the land’s ability to produce?
  • What seeds will you plant, and why?
  • Are you ready to invest the time and energy to care for these seeds once planted?
  • Whom will you hire to help you raise, harvest, and sell the produce at your farm?
  • What tools, resources, and expertise will you require to maximize the fruits of your harvest?
  • What adverse weather or market conditions must you overcome to be successful?
  • Who else is growing these same crops? How does their experience compare to your own?
  • Do you have a keen sense for the cycles and timetables that will optimize your harvest?
  • What is your game plan for bringing your crops to the marketplace? Will you do it alone or join with others?
  • What are your distribution channels, and who are your target customers? On what basis and criteria will they select your harvest rather than others’? On the basis of price? Quality? Convenience? Availability?
  • How will you allocate the revenues that this year’s harvest will bring? Have you performed a sensitivity analysis based on high/expected/low target ranges?
  • What steps need to be put in place to set the stage for beginning the process again?
  • What have you learned from the successes and failures of last year’s process to make next year even better?
by ANDREW J. SHERMAN in his book