30 months ago
- Windows Machine (I tested it in Windows 7)
- Install the android SDK. (You could get that here: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html) -> I recomend you install the .exe, and also download the zip file. {Make a folder in your hard disk (C:\) called android, and extract the content of the .zip SDK file there. Go into the android folder, and copy the the The "AdbWinApi.dll" file into the tools folder.}
- A little ADB knowledge.
Fixing the SD Card:
1. Power off you phone.
2. Press the volume down button and, while pressing it, power on the phone.
3. Navigate to the Fastboot option (With the volume buttons)
4. Hit the power button to go into Fastboot.
5. Connect your phone to the computer.
6. In your computer go into the Command Prompt (cmd).
7. Type in this commands:
fastboot oem enableqxdm 0
fastboot reboot
That should fix your SD Card.
Fixing the USB (rooted users):
1. Download and install a command emulator from the android market.
2. Open the terminal emulator, and type the following commands:
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
cat /sdcard/mtd-eng.img > /data/mtd-eng.img
chmod 755 /data/flash_image
/data/flash_image misc /data/mtd-eng.img
- That should fix the USB problem.
Fixing the USB (not rooted users):
1. Download and install z4root: (You could get it from here: http://www.androidzoom.com/android_applications/tools/z4root_ngtp.html)
2. Open the application and select the temporary root option. Wait for the program to its thing (it takes a couple of minutes).
3. Download and install a command emulator from the android market.
4. Open the terminal emulator, and type the following commands:
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
cat /sdcard/mtd-eng.img > /data/mtd-eng.img
chmod 755 /data/flash_image
/data/flash_image misc /data/mtd-eng.img
(If it doesn't let you reboot, power off the phone like you normally would, and turn it back on).
- That should fix the USB problem.
Hope this helps anyone..
- Thanks to Calculin over at XDA Developers, and Milford for taking the time to help me find it!!